Ineta Zelča Sīmansone: Museums and creative industries. What’s it all about?

 Even if occasionally we would still hear that museums and creative industries have not much in common, in the last few years we were able not only to highlight a variety of cooperation in result of which products and services with high added value were created in Latvia, but also started to observe a change of attitude towards the very idea of bringing museums and makers together.

At the other end of this spectrum, we see an increasing interest among the makers and agents of creative industries themselves in museums as a considerable resource for creative economies. After all – if this would yet sound as a novelty to someone – cooperation between museums and makers is the basis of communication work of a modern museum. To put it simple, it is an attempt to talk to the audiences in a language they understand. The presentation will introduce the Creative Museum think tank which believes that innovation and creativity in museums should serve as a driving force in reaching out to new audiences and at once help modernising the sector.