Nadja Valentinčič Furlan: Films in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum and on its webpages

The Department of Ethnographic Film in the Slovene Ethnographic Museum produces, collects, documents, keeps, researches and presents ethnographic films, as well as making them accessible in various ways, also online.

 The curator of ethnographic film will present audiovisual communication in the collection-based permanent exhibition Between Nature and Culture, and in the people-oriented exhibition I, We and the Others: Images of My World. Video narrations provide “multiple viewpoints” in Gallery of Narrators that can be seen at the exhibition and on the museum webpage. The Slovene Ethnographic Museum is also a coordinator of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in Slovenia, so the curator of ethnographic film is involved in filming the Slovene ICH elements. We shall discuss the museum strategies of publishing video narrations and films online, addressing also legal and ethical questions.




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