Dr. János Tari: New international trends in audio-visual / digital museology. The AVICOM/FIAMP 2014 Moscow Museum Festival Award winners

AVICOM continually draws the museum professionals’ attention to the state of the art audio-visual methods and the possibilities offered by new technologies for museums.

It organizes annually the International Audiovisual Festival for Museums (FIAMP), which presents and awards the most original productions as well as disseminates them. The last conference and festival was held on 18 -21 September, 2014 in Moscow, Russia by ICOM Russia, ADIT and AVICOM. Nearly 60 international museum productions were registered for the competition, audio-visual programs, websites, multimedia and interactive tools were presented to the professional public. At AVICOM General Assembly, 17 museum representatives received awards for the best museum productions. The presentation introduces brief details those productions.


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