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Múzeumi bibliográfia

Muzeológiai témájú könyvek, periodika, magazinok jegyzéke

Adele Chynoweth, Bernadette Lynch, Klaus Petersen, Sarah Smed (eds.): Museums and Social Change. Challenging the Unhelpful Museum. Abingdon és New York: 2020.

Alessandra Labate Rosso, Danusa Castro, Maddalena d’Alfonso (eds.): Architecture & Exhibit Design. ICAMT Annual Conference, online, 11-12 November, 2022. 2021.

Alexandra F. Morris, PhD., Asami Robledo-Allen Yamamoto, Kate Zankowicz, PhD., Andrea Kim Neighbors (eds.): I Quit!: Acknowledging Burnout and the Need for Empathy and Self-Care in Museum Education. Special issue of the Journal of Museum Education. 2023.

Ana-Maria Carabelea, Pablo Bes Alonso, Olga Tykhonova: Breaking the Digital Ceiling. Key Insights from DOORS Digital Incubators for Museums. 2023.

Anne-Marie Gilis (ed.): Museum leadership: taking the pulse 2021. 2022.

Ariane Karbe: Museum Exhibitions and Suspense. The Use of Screenwriting Techniques in Curatorial Practice. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Bodó Sándor: A múzeumok története Magyarországon a dualizmus korában. 2017.

Brita Brenna, Hans Dam Christensen, Olav Hamran (eds.): Museums as Cultures of Copies. The Crafting of Artefacts and Authenticity. Abingdon és New York: 2019.

Bronwyn Bevan & Bahia Ramos (eds.): Theorizing Equity in the Museum. Integrating Perspectives from Research and Practice. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Bruno Brulon Soares (ed.): A History of Museology: Key authors of museological theory. 2019.

Christina Linsenmeyer, Marie Martens, Gabriele Rossi Rognoni, Jennifer Schnitker, Kazuhiko Shima (eds.): Music Museums and Education. Proceedings of the 2019 General Meeting of ICOM-CIMCIM as part of the 25th ICOM General Conference, 1-7 September 2019, Kyoto, Japan. 2023.

Christina Lister: Marketing Strategy for Museums. A Practical Guide. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Christopher J. Garthe: The Sustainable Museum. How Museums Contribute to the Great Transformation. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Claire Bishop: Radikális muzeológia, avagy mi a “kortárs” a kortárs művészeti múzeumokban? . Budapest: 2018.

Darko Babic & N. Hanzade Uralman (eds.): Communication Oriented Museums. Paris: 2020.

Eilean Hooper-Greenhill: Museums and the Interpretation of Visual Culture. Abingdon és New York: 2000.

Elisa Bonacini: Museums and Forms of Digital Storytelling. Róma: 2022.

Elizabeth Kryder-Reid & Sarah May (eds.): Toxic Heritage. Legacies, Futures, and Environmental Injustice. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Elizabeth Wilde (ed.): Museums in the climate crisis. European Museum Survey. 2022.

Elizabeth Wood (ed.): A New Role for Museum Educators. Purpose, Approach, and Mindset. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Emma Cunliffe & Paul Fox (eds.): Safeguarding Cultural Property and the 1954 Hague Convention. Martlesham: 2022.

Fejős Zoltán: Új helyek, új metaforák. Közelítések a jelenkor múzeumi etnográfiájához. 2019.

Fejős Zoltán: Néprajz és muzeológia - Tudománytörténeti megközelítés. Budapest: 2020.

Fiona R. Cameron: Museum Practices and the Posthumanities. Curating for Planetary Habitability. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

François Mairesse (ed.): Dictionary of Museology. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Frazon Zsófia (szerk.): …Nyitott múzeum… Együttműködés, részvétel, társadalmi múzeum. Budapest: 2018.

Friedrich Waidacher: Az általános muzeológia kézikönyve. Metamuzeológia, történetimuzeológia, elméleti muzeológia. Budapest: 2011.

Gergely István: A kiállítás művészete. Elvi és gyakorlati problémák. Budapest: 1979.

Green Art Incubator: Museums, Climate and Politics. Taking political action in the sustainable transition.. 2023.

Hannah Lewi, Wally Smith, Dirk vom Lehn, Steven Cooke (eds.): The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites. Abingdon és New York: 2019.

Hatházi Gábor: Muzeológiai alapismeretek. Budapest: 1991.

Helene Tello: The Toxic Museum. Berlin and Beyond. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Howard Morphy & Robyn McKenzie (eds.): Museums, Societies and the Creation of Value. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Irimiás Anna Rita: Az örökségturizmus menedzsmentje. Budapest: 2018.

J. Pedro Lorente: Reflections on Critical Museology. Inside and Outside Museums. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Jane Milosch & Nick Pearce (eds.): Collecting and Provenance. A Multidisciplinary Approach . 2019.

Jasmin Pfefferkorn: Museums as Assemblage. Analysing dynamic museum practice. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Jelena Savic (ed.): Connecting Cities, Connecting Citizens: Towards a Shared Sustainability: Book of Proceedings. Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 December 2021. 2022.

Johanna Leissner, Anne Grady, Maider Maraña, Florence Baeke, Arnaud van Cutsem (eds.): Strengthening cultural heritage resilience for climate change - Where the European Green Deal meets cultural heritage. 2022.

Johanna Vähäpesola & Riina Linna (eds.): Museums, Citizens and Urban Sustainability. ICOM General Conference 2022, Prague, Czech Republic: Book of Proceedings. 2023.

John Peponis (ed.): Museum Configurations. An Inquiry Into The Design Of Spatial Syntaxes. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Johnnetta Betsch Cole & Laura L. Lott (eds.): Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion in Museums. 2019.

Karen Brown & Peter Davis (eds.): On community and sustainable museums = Sobre museos comunitarios y sostenibles. 2019.

Karen Brown, Alissandra Cummins, Ana S. González Rueda (eds.): Communities and Museums in the 21st Century: Shared Histories and Climate Action. 2023.

Kate Brueggemann & Donna McGinnis: Fundraising Management in a Changing Museum World. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Kate Guy, Hajra Williams, Claire Wintle (eds.): Histories of Exhibition Design in the Museum. Makers, Process, and Practice. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Kate Hill (ed.): Museums, Modernity and Conflict. Museums and Collections in and of War since the Nineteenth Century. Abingdon és New York: 2022.

Kathy Danko-McGhee: Viewing Art with Babies. First Encounters. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Kemecsi Lajos: Néprajz és muzeológia. Az elmélet és gyakorlat alakulása a 20-21. században. 2022.

Kirsten Drotner, Vince Dziekan, Ross Parry, Kim Christian Schrøder (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication. Abingdon és New York: 2018.

Korek József: A muzeológia alapjai. Budapest: 1988.

Kristina Barekyan, Lisa Peter: Digital Learning and Education in Museums. Innovative Approaches and Insights. 2023.

Lachlan MacDowall, Kylie Budge: Art After Instagram. Art Spaces, Audiences, Aesthetics. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Lanfranco Binni & Giovanni Pinna: A múzeum: Egy kulturális gépezet története és működése a XVI. századtól napjainkig. Budapest: 1986.

Lizette Gradén, Tom O'Dell: Hip Heritage and Museum Practices in Contemporary Hybrid Markets. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Lorenzo Posocco: Museums and Nationalism in Croatia, Hungary, and Turkey. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Lynn Maranda: On Museology: reflections from the field. 2021.

M. Elizabeth Weiser, Marion Bertin, Anna Leshchenko (eds.): Taboos in Museology: Difficult issues for museum theory. Materials for a discussion. 2022.

Maria Shehade & Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert (eds.): Museums and Technologies of Presence. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Michael Faber (ed.): Museums, audio-visual and digital media in a world of changing communication. Trends, innovations, examples. 2020.

Michael John Gorman: Idea Colliders: The Future of Science Museums. Cambridge, MA: 2020.

Nana Meparishvili, Alessandra Labate Rosso, Danusa Castro, Maddalena d’Alfonso (eds.): New Needs for Modern Museums & Future Steps. ICAMT Annual Conference, online, 11-12 November, 2021. 2021.

Natasha Adamou & Michaela Giebelhausen (eds.): Reconstructing Exhibitions in Art Institutions. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Nicole Gesché-Koning & Stéphanie Wintzerith (eds.): Special edition: Museums - Education - Cultural Action: The foundations of the committee for Education and Cultural Action (CECA) . 2022.

Nina Robbins, Suzie Thomas, Minna Tuominen, Anna Wessman (eds.): Museum Studies: Bridging Theory and Practice. 2021.

Nuala Morse: The Museum as a Space of Social Care. Abingdon és New York: 2020.

Olimpia Niglio & Eric Yong Joong Lee (eds.): Transcultural Diplomacy and International Law in Heritage Conservation: A Dialogue between Ethics, Law, and Culture. 2021.

Petrányi Zsolt: Kézikönyv ​kezdő kurátoroknak. Budapest : 2010.

Raul Dal Santo, Nunzia Borrelli, Peter Davis (eds.): Ecomuseums and climate change. Italian Ecomuseum Network and University of Milan Bicocca, Online meeting, ‘Ecomuseums and Climate Action’, 30 September 2021.. Milánó: 2022.

Rebecca Rushfield (ed.): Stemming the Tide: Global Strategies for Sustaining Cultural Heritage through Climate Change. Washington DC: 2021.

Rhiannon Mason, Alistair Robinson, Emma Coffield: Museum and Gallery Studies. The Basics. Abingdon és New York: 2018.

Robert R. Janes: Museums and Societal Collapse. The Museum as Lifeboat. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Robert R. Janes, Richard Sandell (eds.): Museum Activism. Abingdon és New York: 2019.

Rodney Harrison, Nélia Dias, Kristian Kristiansen (eds.): Critical Heritage Studies and the Futures of Europe. London: 2023.

Rohit Jigyasu & Ksenia Chmutina (eds.): Routledge Handbook on Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Management. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Rose Cull, Daniel Cull: Museums and Well-being. Abingdon és New York: 2022.

Sarah Hughes: Museum and Gallery Publishing. From Theory to Case Study. Abingdon és New York: 2019.

Sarina Wakefield (ed.): Museums of the Arabian Peninsula: Historical Developments and Contemporary Discourses. Abingdon és New York: 2022.

Sharon E. Shaffer: Museums, Children and Social Action. Past, Present and Future. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Simon Kell (ed.): The Contemporary Museum. Shaping Museums for the Global Now. Abingdon és New York: 2018.

Simon Knell: National Galleries. Abingdon és New York: 2016.

Simon Knell: The Museum’s Borders. On the Challenge of Knowing and Remembering Well. Abingdon és New York: 2021.

Stéphanie Bertrand: Contemporary Curating, Artistic Reference and Public Reception. Reconsidering Inclusion, Transparency and Mediation in Exhibition Making Practice. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Steven Miller: Museum collection ethics: acquisition, stewardship and interpretation. London: 2020.

Susan Hanna & Jane Legget (eds.): Museums, heritage and cultural landscape. Proceedings from the ICOM General Conference, Milan 2016.. 2022.

Szakács Eszter (szerk.): A kurátori gyakorlat és diskurzus szótára / Curatorial Dictionary. 2013.

Szemere Ádám (szerk.): A korszerű múzeumi kiállítások tartalmi, didaktikai és esztétikai problémái. Budapest: 1978.

Tamara Nikolić Đerić, Jorijn Neyrinck, Eveline Seghers, Evdokia Tsakiridis: Museums and intangible cultural heritage. Towards a third space in the heritage sector. 2020.

Timothy Ambrose & Crispin Paine: Museum Basics. The International Handbook. Abingdon és New York: 2018.

Trish Biers & Katie Stringer Clary (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Heritage, and Death. Abingdon és New York: 2023.

Valentine Molineau: Le rôle du musée dans la lutte contre le trafic illicite de biens culturels. 2023.

Viv Golding & Jen Walklate (eds.): Museums and Communities. Diversity, Dialogue and Collaboration in an Age of Migrations. 2019.

Viviane Gosselin & Phaedra Livingstone (eds.): Museums and the Past. Constructing Historical Consciousness. Vancouver: 2016.

Wataru Iwamoto, Yoko Nojima, Aina Inoue, Mieko Okur (eds.): Progress and Challenges in the Research for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage –Towards a Sustainable Future–. Proceedings of the IRCI Researchers Forum on ICH Safeguarding in the Asia-Pacific Region. 2022.